Naval architecture courses

Naval architecture courses at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette.


ENSAPLV offers since thirty years naval architecture courses and post graduate courses.

Naval architecture, due to its specificities, is here an educational support allowing students, future EDA architects, to strengthen or to broaden their skills’ field.

The project to build a boat follows a program. It is a type of architecture subject to technical criterions that cannot be ignored (at least Archimedes) in restrained spaces, moving and confronted to very various situations.

Because of its complexity and the interweaving of divers elements of the program, a naval project brings to light the importance of an overall view and taking a stand which will allow organizing the choices which lead to a final coherence.

Specificities and focus of work :

  • Method of the “boat loop”

Iterative methodology to comprehend naval projects allowing the integration of all criterions intervening in decision-making.

  • Study of complex shapes

Plastic, areas, lines, computer modeling, representation, implementation, materials…

  • Scientific notions linked to hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and RDM.

Archimedes’ principle, physics of sailing, static …


Naval architecture’s teaching’s positioning in the ENSAPLV

A-     We propose educational units included in non-specialised courses of architecture studies for graduates and post-graduates. The teaching focuses mainly on project teaching.

In order to avoid the emergence of a naval course, we have voluntarily bound our positioning so as to restrict the PFE only to students showing a very strong motivation. Opportunities in naval architecture does not justify a specialization. Nonetheless, a naval project can eventually appear helpful for a student looking for a job by promoting his skills.

  • Degree 2- intensive inter-semester week- L3.9 thematic option
  • Master’s degree 1- semester 7- M7.4 OT optional teaching
  • Master’s degree 1- semester 8- M8.5 P  and M8.5 Po. Project teaching and optional project
  • Master’s degree 2- semester 10 – M10.11 End of studies project

B-     Post-master teaching orientated towards the labour market, intended for all students holding master’s degree in sciences and techniques or graduate from an architecture, design, plastic arts or engineer school and able to justify an experience in naval architecture.

Selection of 12 candidates by written application and interview each year.

This course leads the diploma “Diplome Propre aux Ecoles d’Architecture” (DPEA).

  • Partnership with the ENSTA of Brest
  • Participation of the ENPC to the design seminar

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Reconstitution of plans from records of a small fishing boat for the oceanographic museum of the Rio Grande harbour.

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Naval architecture courses


Naval architecture courses at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette.


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Spitsberg 2011





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